
Boyka 1 full movie
Boyka 1 full movie

boyka 1 full movie

The mob boss Gaga, Boyka's former manager, has expanded his prison tournament enterprise into an inter-prison tournament called the Prison Spetz Competition (PSC), which gathers the best prison fighters from around the globe to compete for a chance at a cleared record and early release. In Undisputed III: Redemption Boyka arrives at Gorgon Years have passed since his humiliating defeat at the hands of, Yuri Boyka now humbled by his injured knee has been relegated to work as a prison janitor in the place mopping the floors in the prison's sewage system. Later on, Boyka accepts Chambers challenge for a rematch and During the course of their fight Chambers have suddenly break Boyka's knee due to the technique taught to him by and Boyka having suffered an injured knee have lost his friends and went from the prison champion into becoming a prison janitor. Stating that he want to become the next person of evolution in the martial arts, having exclaimed that he is 'The Most Complete Fighter In The World' and that there is no way for a fighter like him to compete against a drugged opponent. Boyka is defeated Shortly after the match, Having realized that Chambers was drugged in their match, He becomes furious to the point of killing the two of his men. The round went fully well until Steven gave the drugged bottle to Chambers causing him to be drugged and was beaten by Boyka thereafter. He, Boyka suddenly fall off having underestimated his opponent skills as a boxing much to Chambers surprise, He suddenly uses his legs to his own advantage and quickly decimates Chambers by his kicks.

boyka 1 full movie boyka 1 full movie

The match finally started as Boyka tells Chambers to set the match using only hands as he boasts of beating Chambers by his own game of Boxing.

Boyka 1 full movie